Were You Injured In A Construction Site Accident In Massachusetts?
The attorneys at Owen O'Neill Law Group have decades of experience in representing injured construction workers. Every year, hundreds, if not thousands, of workers are injured, and sometimes even killed at construction projects in Massachusetts.
Even though general contractors and supervisors of job sites are required by OSHA and Massachusetts construction regulations to inspect their construction project with qualified safety professionals and implement available safety measures, construction workers still encounter the highest risk of work-related injuries and fatalities in the United States.
Federal and State Labor Laws were enacted to protect construction workers from accidents and life-altering injuries. At Owen O'Neill Law Group, our lawyers believe that most construction site accidents are preventable and predictable, which is why those contractors not complying with applicable job site safety laws should be held legally responsible.
Construction Site Accidents
Our construction worker clients have been seriously injured in a wide variety of serious accidents, including the following:
- Falls off of roofs, scaffolding, baker staging (scaffolding on wheels), and elevated work platforms
- Falls through unguarded hole openings and skylights
- Electrical shock accidents
- Crane accidents
- Trench collapses
- Nail gun accidents
- Crush injuries from walls collapsing
- Demolition accidents
In the vast majority of our construction site accident cases, a worker was injured due to the carelessness of the individuals and entities who were responsible for proper job site supervision, training, inspections, and for providing safety equipment to all workers, including their subcontractors, but negligently failed to perform those safety-related duties. These accidents, and the resulting serious injuries, were often predictable and completely preventable.
This is why we at Owen O'Neill Law Group feel so passionately about our construction worker clients. Our aggressive legal representation not only seeks appropriate compensation for our clients’ injuries and other consequential damages, but our goal is to hold all negligent contractors accountable for their often blatant failure to protect workers from suffering foreseeably devastating injuries on construction sites which they control and supervise.
Contact Us Today For Help
Call 339-970-0505 or email our firm in Canton to discuss the details of your construction accident today.